Skerries Lifeboat Responds to Report of Kitesurfer in Difficulty – Afloat

Skerries RNLI were tasked on Saturday morning (30 December) following a call to Dublin Coast Guard reporting that a kitesurfer was in difficulty off Portrane beach.

The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat Louis Simson was launched by s shortly after 11.30am. After rounding the headland of Red Island, the crew entered a course to steer for Portrane in their onboard navigation system.

Conditions at the time had a westerly wind, Force 3 to 4, with a slight sea swell and good visibility.

As the lifeboat arrived on scene, the volunteers were provided with up-to-date information which was being relayed from a member of the coastguard on shore, and were guided to the kitesurfer’s location.

Following a conversation with the kitesurfer, it was quickly determined that he was not in need of any assistance. He did however accept the offer of a lift closer to the shore, to allay any fears of those that had raised the alarm.

The lifeboat assisted the man on board and dropped him close to the shore, before returning to Skerries to recover the boat and make it ready for the next service.

Speaking about the call-out, volunteer lifeboat press officer Gerry Canning said: “The gentleman was actually very well equipped and within his comfort zone. However, he was using a wing foil and it’s easy to see how it was mistaken for a kite in the water.

“A false alarm with good intent is still a good outcome and our volunteers were glad to discover the man was not in any distress. We will always encourage you to dial 999 or 112 and ask for the coastguard if you think you see someone in trouble on the water.”

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